We become what we eat. We have heard this many times and we understand this on a physical level very much. That is healthy food leads to a better body and junk food to unhealthy. In fact the very definition of healthy / unhealthy food is based on its output. We would not call ice creams and pizzas junk food if eating those twice a day would lead to a glowing body.
The essence of this is that our body uses the food to generate energy and uses food as the raw material to repair and generate ourselves daily. Each and every cell in our body is alive and needs food to function. Many cells die and many cells are born. It all works using the energy that we receive.
Doesn’t our minds need food?
Yes it does The mind like any functioning system has a flow. It takes in some things, processes it, digests it and generates itself anew.
What is that the mind takes in?
The mind takes in input through our senses and processes it, digests it. It experiences the emotions that is evoked. It learns from it. It makes value judgements that this is good, nice and I want more of it. Or this is bad, feels wrong and lets avoid it.
Mind learns, changes, shapes itself with new priorities, patterns and beliefs. What you like today may not be your choice in a year from now. You change, your mind change. You obsess on an idea or you disregard other things entirely.
So what do you feed your mind every day? What do we teach our mind every day? Take a close look.
What emotion stays uppermost in you?
What words you utter?
What is the tone of your speech?
What is your visceral reaction to life events, people or topics?
What is your mental ambiance? Safe, positive, satisfied? Or stressed, dejected, hungry.
Observe and learn. More you observe more you strengthen the seed of self introspection. Choose thoughts that nourishes the mind and keeps it looking in the direction that you want to take it. Like with a child, be loving and yet strict. Be ready to forgive lapses because you look towards the future. Be honest so that mind doesn’t hide behind excuses.
Mind is learning and changing whether we are aware of it or not. So better we teach it the things we value and like most within oneself.
Signing off. Have a great day.
P.S, Do enjoy ice cream and Somosas once in a while.