Like a fish caught in the hook, our attention, focus and energy is often reeled in by social media content. Especially shorts and reels -- short one minute or less long videos that spread on social media like wildfire. Though often funny and relaxing these reels take a toll.
After browsing these reels for sometime we find ourselves lost and it is often with surprise that we look up and find that we have spent much more time on this than we wanted. Like coming out of a sleep, there is a moment of disorientation and we have to put effort to restart our intended activities.
Ask yourselves the question “What videos I was watching, what was the content that I was consuming?”. Often you will find that you cannot remember or recall what you were watching. One or two images or videos may stick with you but if you have just spent 30 minutes swiping and only recall one or two images then you were out of it for the most part.
Essentially your brain goes from active to passive. It is a state where you switch off your attention from the world in front and let yourselves drift. Like a nap, if used in right proportion this switching off effect can be used for beneficial reasons.
The switching off effect is also beneficially used in anger management when we are instructed to count from one to ten before reacting. Such activities which gives us a moment to cool off or switch off from the present emotional turbulence are used in a positive direction.
The chemical which hooks us in is known as dopamine. It is a feel good hormone released by our body when we relax or do something which gives us pleasure. Dopamine gives us the emotional boost and makes us feel that we have achieved something. It tells us to like the activity and to want more of it. We enjoy the experience and spend more time doing the activity which produces dopamine which in turn re-enforces the behaviour.
In turn, the activities requiring an effort, which demands attention and focus does not release dopamine so readily. Hence we dislike doing those activities. Example given a choice between plain and simple meal and a delicacy, most people will not choose the plain everyday food. Similarly, our brain orients itself towards dopamine releasing activities which gives us quick gratification and struggles to focus on long term goals.
Pleasures are great but the always on instant kind devalues the pleasure. Over a time, the easy access and the total control waters down the impact and we stop receiving the same boost from the activity. Have you ever wondered why the concept of TV channels is still popular? In the day and age we are in, we can get the content and shows that we want any time. However there is an element of chance and the lack of control when we consume content via TV channels vs always watching our own favourite collection of shows.
This element of surprise and the hope of encountering new things keeps us hooked and reduces the chance of pleasure devaluation.
Another downside of excessive consumption of mental junk food is lowering of our attention span. Brain gives up easily the tasks it finds bothersome and our ability to put in long hours or even consume digital content needing longer attention reduces. This prevents us from going deeper in to any subject matter
For quickly relieving stress or for once in a while dopamine boost, such activity or content can be used and can give good results. Any excessive consumption obviously has several downsides. The challenge is in recognizing the consumption pattern, the time you dedicate daily for social media or shorts and being able to regulate it down if necessary. Choosing healthier stress relieving habits and behavioural patterns produces much greater positive results in the long run. Therefore try to reel in the reels as much as you can.